Sachar Dental NYC

20 E 46th St Rm 1301
New York, NY 10017

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All the below content has been written by NYC Dentist, Dr. Sandip Sachar.

Tooth extractions NYC FAQ

Tooth extraction NYC FAQ

How painful it is a tooth extraction?

Despite what most people think, tooth extractions are not painful.  Our patients report feeling a small pinch when we give the local anesthesia, and no pain after that.

How long will it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

You will be instructed to not eat for about 1 hour after tooth extraction, while the anesthesia wears off. For 24 hours, we instruct patients to refrain from spitting, rinsing, drinking from a straw, smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages. We advised patients to rinse with salt water 2-3 times per day for the first 24 hours.

Do's and don'ts after tooth extraction?

Dont's after tooth extraction: Do not eat until the anesthesia wears off, do not skip prescriptions, do not take aspirin, do not chew on that side for 24 hours. Do's after tooth extraction: Bite down on the gauze that is given to you for at least 20 minutes, avoid extensive physical activity, apply ice to the side of your face to reduce swelling.

Can I eat after tooth extraction?

We instruct patients to  not eat until local anesthesia wears off after tooth extraction procedures. We advise patients to avoid chewing on that side for 24 hours.

If your question is not found above, please feel free to contact our office.

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