Sachar Dental NYC

20 E 46th St Rm 1301
New York, NY 10017

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All the below content has been written by NYC Dentist, Dr. Sandip Sachar.

Invisalign Vs. Porcelain Veneers NYC FAQ

Invisalign versus porcelain veneers NYC FAQ

Is it cheaper to get veneers or Invisalign?

Veneers are sometimes cheaper than nvisalign, and sometimes not. It depends on how many veneers you need.

  • Venners: $1,800 per tooth
  • Invisalign: $4,500 - $7500

Should I get veneers before or after Invisalign?

Veneers should be done after invisalign.

Can you do Invisalign if you have veneers?

Yes, you can do invisalign after veneers, however, it requires a consultation to ensure invisalign will not misalign the veneers and require them to be redone.

What is the difference between veneers and Invisalign?

Invisalign is used primarily for straightening the teeth to improve their appearance, whereas porcelain veneers help the teeth to look better by covering abnormalities, especially for damaged teeth.  Porcelain veneers also correct for discoloration and imperfections of the teeth whereas Invisalign just straightens them.

If your question is not found above, please feel free to contact our office.

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